Summers, you proved to be a roller coaster for me, I had my ups and downs!!

It was the 16th of May when I reached Delhi; I was supposed to be training from hp Noida. All I picture when I hear this term Delhi is a big big shopping complex, filled with stuffs I love. And so, I was pretty excited that this stay is going to be fun. But, I was unaware of what was coming next. (Don’t worry I wasn’t kidnapped or something)
Counting all the places on my fingers, I had to go to; I reached my maasi’s place. And then I had delicious food and had a good sleep after the tiring journey. I hate journeys, be it a train or a flight. Flights are rather more boring, may be because I never get a seat beside a hot guy. *sigh*
Anyway, then came Day 2, I had to visit hp education centre to get the formalities done. Gosh, Delhi is so hot. I was roasted like a piece of tandoori chicken in that scorching heat. Somehow, I finished all the formalities and headed back home with maasi. Hatts off to her, for always being there and looking after all the formalities, and every important paper I needed to carry.
Then, the very next day I had to shift to my P.G. I met Shivani there, we both study in the same college and gel so well, especially when it comes to shopping. When I entered the P.G., it was more like a cardboard box, ya the one they have in cheap cyber cafes. And inside were three beds, a cupboard named “Gordrej” and a cooler. I thought it’ll be fun, learning to adjust in worse situations. But then, I didn’t know what’s up for me. Later that day, I had my first class and I met my trainer for the whole training session. When I saw him first, I was like “ye padhaenge?” because he seemed so young. I thought he’ll be cool with us, apne age ke hai. He was kind of witty, and as any normal person would respond we were giggling back at his jokes. But then I realized that we four (I forgot to mention, it was four of us, me, Shivani, Garg and Himanshu) were the only one who were laughing and the others were sitting like idols. I was scared, am I not to supposed to laugh here because that was the last possible thing for me. I suck at controlling my laughter. Adding to that our trainer started up with strict instructions, “Don’t think that you guys will roam about and shop and have fun here at Noida. If you think so, you’re in wrong hands. I’ll make sure you guys be sincere towards what your parents have paid for.” I was dumbstruck. WTF?!? I heard people go for training just to have fun and own a certificate. Our faces were pale now. (Just four of us, rest were cool with it) And even this wasn’t sufficient, as we got to know that we were the only second year there and rest of them were seniors. “Gosh!! Where am I stuck!?”, I murmured as I headed back to my P.G. Back at my P.G., we got to know that we’ve to arrange our lunch on our own. Wow! Me and Shivani, we had this “Look for the cheap and best shop hunt” everyday while returning.
The next day, we entered our Lab. Trust me I’ve never felt more stupid and embarrassed than I felt that day. All the teachers or assistants, whatever you call them, either way they didn’t deserve to be called so, they were so rude. Nobody there cared what you knew and what your expertise is. They gave us our Day-1 assignments and that’s it. They had no interest in if we knew how to complete them or do we need any assistance. But still somehow we managed to go through all the embarrassment and stress and as soon as our Labs got over, we rushed to G.I.P., shopping and eating time.
This continued for the coming days. I remember coming back to my P.G. and I used to keep myself awake all through the day so that I can sleep at night. I have this fear of ghosts, especially when I go to new places. It’s a myth in my mind that there might’ve been someone who would’ve committed suicide at that place. Anyways, chucking all that, I used to sleep early probably because I had nothing else to do. And I know this used to piss off Shivani, she was always like Ishita, grr why do you have to sleep so early? Haha! Then came the 30th of May when I had to leave for my cousin’s wedding at Mumbai. I was so happy that finally I get to meet my family after so long. Himanshu was supposed to drop me to airport. Well my flight was scheduled to take off at 10:30 pm but my sweet maasi was too punctual about timings and since she didn’t trust me to reach on time because I was new there, so she asked me to leave my P.G. at 4’o clock sharp. Now, when we were at Rajiv chowk, as it’s too crowded and messy I was too frustrated as to why I didn’t opt for a taxi and why do I have to explore the “Metro way to airport” thing. Duhh!! “Where’s my wallet?” he screamed. I was shocked, “What?? You lost your wallet?” I am such a devil that I was about to burst into laughter but then controlling the same I tried to look around for his wallet but sadly we didn’t get it. Anyhow, we managed to reach the airport after a troublesome journey which took me more time than it took me to reach to Mumbai.
When I got down at the airport, I could see my cousin brothers waiting for me. Oh how I missed my bhaiya, I went and hugged him and as usual he was yelling at me regarding me giving my bag in the luggage section which took me time to collect and come out. I yelled at him back, double the pitch, something what I normally do “How do you expect me to carry this all by myself, so I thought I’d better put this in luggage.” Arguing on the same, I reached the hotel where we were to stay. I hugged my mumma, badi maa, my sister who was waiting for me eagerly, something that happens once in a blue moon. Whatever, I was happy and at my comfort to be back to my family.
Then came the wedding day. I hate my sister for looking so sexy and have all eyes on her; still I managed few compliments from my brother, negative of course. So typical of him. :-/
For the first time in  my life, I saw the bride dancing in her own baraat and her family members welcoming both the bride and the groom. Oops, I forgot to mention, this was a really cool and different wedding. Ali, my jiju is a muslim guy and Vidha, my sister, they both fell in love and were committed since like 10 years. So, rituals were different. I loved the ambience there. Yes, by ambience I do mention the cute guys and the aunties who looked younger than me. :-P And since bade paa is a critic, we got to see few celeb faces too, there was Chandra Prakash Dwiwedi(Director), Sanjay Jha(Director), Anurag Kashyap(Director) and few tv artists(I don’t know their names, just the faces!!)
Anyway, we had so much fun, I ate the best dinner and then we were back to our hotel rooms and next day I headed back to Delhi.
Now, as you can see that I wrote all this after a month, that clearly shows how lazy I am, so I would end this now. The rest part, well if I feel like, may be sometime. Till then, keep reading. Tada!!
P.S. I swear I haven’t read this even twice so please ignore my grammatical errors. 


  1. nice..
    but u did not mention many our metro waiting experience, ur auto exp. etc. etc.. hehehe

  2. Arey! Me and my lazy brain! There's a lot more to be mentioned. :-P


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