To the end approaching most of us...

There is always a confusion at the back of my mind when I start with a blogpost. I want the posts to be unbiased, but lately I've realized that it is not possible to write a purely unbiased post. Human beings are always biased by the actions and phases of lives they lead. This would be one such post as well.

Since the past few weeks I haven't got a chance to sit down and write because of work pressure and may be because I didn't feel the urge to write something down, until now. I love to read about love stories, poetry on love, dreamy love tales. It has always been there somewhere in the back of my mind that there is a dreamy love story for everyone. At least that is what these modern tales sell. I am 23 and I have seen a lot in my life, from personal experience and around. Of course, there's much more in life to be experienced, but the journey so far has not been quite smooth if you talk about love. College is a time of fairytale romance, people fall in "love", get into relationships, break up, fall in "love" again. I have seen relationships that I adored and wanted to succeed in the battle of time, distance and two individuals crazy for each other. But sadly most of them have ended. Is it a problem with our generation? I'm sure I'll have hundreds of hands raising up for this. I felt that too until I felt it myself. Falling in love is very natural, you can't control that. The heart knows no boundaries. But is that all? Why does the charm die after a few months? One doesn't fall in love knowing the terms and conditions it comes with or of course, we "check" that without reading because of the desperation of taking ourselves forward. The first phase when you're crazy about each other, when you sleep late talking to each other, when you can't wait to see each other, when you start living into someone else's life, so involved that your sleep cycle, eating cycle everything starts syncing is probably the best phase. In fact, that's the whole point of falling in love, to get that comforting feeling. How good a relationship is judged by how long that time goes? Some live it, some stretch it assuring themselves that this is what they want. 

Then comes the phase when you depart, when the offer letters comes with a "CAUTION" symbol. Now, it is on both the individuals to "handle it with care". Often, we get tangled in the cobwebs of the 9 to 5 job, the impertinent manager, attractive "other options" near to eye and of course the "distance" between the two individuals. And it ends. That's when the phase of I-hate-relationships start. Goes on for a while and comes back to falling for someone you never thought would make you feel that way. Now, the mind becomes more mature, at least that's what we start believing. And it starts pulling us towards the new fairytale. 

The cycle continues, we end up hurting ourselves bad, each time getting worse. When you look back you realize so much has happened. But I don't feel bad about anything. Yes it hurts to have been betrayed and lied to, but that's what life is. I wasn't perfect either, I have hurt someone in that race too. Hence, to everyone that has somehow been a part of my life, I want to thank you. Thank you for making me who I am. Thank you for helping me fall in love with me. I would never say there isn't a fairytale romance based on the practicalities of life. It would happen, it is bound to happen. And until then all I want to work on, is making myself that better person I want to fall in love with. 

I consider myself luckier than the ones who have been badly hurt in relationships, I have been there too. But there's always a bright side to it. Something much better, brighter and merrier awaits. Let the roller coaster of life take you to the end. The end is beautiful, believe me. 


  1. This one is really awesome Di :)

  2. There is some unique charm and innocence in your writing. Definitely would love to read more of you. You can also visit me at, I would really appreciate that.

  3. There is some unique charm and innocence in your writing. Definitely would love to read more of you. You can also visit me at, I would really appreciate that.


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