Money Myth!!
Money cannot make or keep you happy. Is its so? The world
today replies a “FALSE” to this statement.
Money today is like your shadow, if you don’t have it with you, you’re merely a
dead body with no existence. People who say money can’t buy you happiness seem
all greek to me. If you judge the present era, everything can equate our
happiness with money. When our needs and priorities have changed, how can we
expect the statement “Money can’t buy you happiness” to remain the same. Things
as expensive as an arm and a leg have become a matter of CLASS and STATUS. If
you have money, you have happiness at the drop of your hat. It has been said
people don’t care about morals and ethics when it comes about fetching money,
no that’s completely wrong. You should always have a reference scale to measure
everyone, not every politician can be corrupt, and not every saint can’t
actually be a saint. People differ and so do their interpretation about life
and needs. Money does buy you happiness. A middle class family has its need
limited to their pennies in pocket, they do fulfill their wishes and do remain
happy. See, money just bought them happiness. You can’t go, buy happiness in a
market, its just imaginary and not real, this is something that comes from within.
Everyone in this world has likes and once you fulfill it for them using your credit cards you did buy them happiness. People are running after money today,
competition has increased, the race for job, wealth has doubled. Why?
If money can’t buy you happiness then, why all this. You can easily go on the Himalayas and meditate in order to buy yourself peace or happiness. We somewhere
or the other have to accept the fact that money does buy us anything we want
until you’re of the type who actually find their happiness in going over to the
Himalayas. Because when we discuss something, we certainly don’t take into
account the minorities like that but the majority like us!
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