Win and wear her if you can, she's the most delightful of God's creatures.
buckling of the knight's armor by his lady's hand was not a mere caprice of
romantic fashion. It is the type of an eternal truth that the soul's armor is
never well set to the heart unless a woman’s hand has braced it,
and it is only when she braces it loosely that the honor of manhood fails.”
Very recently I read an article by a motivator Akash Gautam, "Janam Samjha Karo", which highlighted the silly little things that a woman expects from a man or his guy, to be more precise as he was discussing relationship issues in that article. In the beginning, he had mentioned woman might consider him as a male chauvinist, and react negatively to that post. Though, I won't say that all of it was false, yes, we do expect silly little things from our guy, but is that a generalized case or it varies between woman of different ages. Generalizing a view, mocking at them, and at the end concluding "No one can ever understand what a woman wants", is it a correct way to make a judgement? Since, I came across the same statement by a few friends of mine as well, it actually made me think on it very deeply, do we actually act that stupid and dumb or is it that we're too confusing to be understood by men. At the end, what I concluded is that half of the people mug up lines and apply these in self-defense and half of the rest half have most probably had bad experiences because of certain other issues with their girl and the left 25% are the ones who actually mean this statement for they do come across girls who can confuse them with her unbounded expectations. So, because of that minority of 25, we curse the rest 75!!?? No one knows like a woman how to say things which are at once gentle, and deep. And this depth and gentleness is summed up and called as "Confusion".
intuitions of women are better and readier than those of men; her quick
decisions without conscious reasons, are frequently far superior to a man’s
more careful deductions. Very frequently it has been debated, “Can a man exist
without a woman?” Of course, the biological reason is present, that a woman
gives birth and is the creator of the human race but is it the only reason why we
talk of a woman’s existence to be important? Certainly, not. Men at most differ
as heaven and earth; but women, worst and best, as heaven and hell. To the
disgrace of men it is seen, that there are women both more wise to judge what
evil is expected, and more constant to bear it when it is happened. In all societies women have played a much more important role than their menfolk are generally ready to admit. There is a woman in the beginning of all great things. Men are like the earth and we are like the moon; we turn always one side to then and they think there is no other.
Everyone is made differently by God, not every woman can be perfect, or not every woman can be "confusing always". But, yes, every woman definitely will be the perfect one for her loved and dear ones. Isn't that enough!? Male character has always symbolized power, strength, so, guys bear with us, adjust with us like we do. A hundred adjustments that we make, demands at least ten adjustments that you'll have to make. At the end, we both can't let go of each other. The existence of not only a woman, but men and women together is what the present time demands from us.
And lastly, a very Happy Women's Day to all the ladies. You are special, each one of you. :)
Nice! :)
ReplyDeleteWomen are the most beautiful creation of God and men, just not! But yea, women are confusing! And i'm among those 25% personal exp wale guys! :P
Happy Women's day! :)
Thank you so much! :)
ReplyDeletewhat u wrote is ri8 and i also read akash gautam's article n i dont think he wrote something wrong too coz what he wrote was related to the so called "lovebirds" and :deeply in love couples" in colleges....n my xperience in KIIT is somewhat d looks dat nw making a gf or bf is more necessity dan love......but still very nicely written
ReplyDeleteWell what I wrote, in no way concerns about the definition of a "relationship" in today's world but it only emphasized on how we take and comment on girls/women. :)