Sanctification of life

Between two eternities, lies a little gleam, LIFE,
It radiances like a dome of many coloured glass,
Bringing up our uncreates self and created self.

Be plain enough, ask long enough,
And you have in your part what you ask her.

Be prudentable, justable and honourable to yourself,
And you have a highly pleasurable life.

Flush away all your anxieties and sorrow,
And accept a beautiful you, fall in love with that special 'you'.

Always act conscientiously towards yourself,
And be the hero of your own life.

Look around, feel it, touch it and love it,
There's a pleasure in every moment that nature offers.

Influence your life as well as others',
Be that rescuer of the souls dipped in sorrow and pain.

And my friend, once you give away the evil you,
Life itself will have a crush on you.


  1. omg this is brilliant i could actually relate to it....a job well done ishita! love it (y)


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